A:larm Music, Amager Computer, Anemone Teatret, Angel Film, Arken, ARoS, Art Copenhagen, AutoPark, Beatbox Booking, Betty Nansen Teatret, BilletBillet, Biografen Kanten, Biografklub Danmark, Bio Næstved, Blockbuster, Bogbidder, Boxer TV, By Retpen, By Valdi, Camera Film, CampX, CinemaxX, City Golf Copenhagen, C More, Crone Film, DAC, Danmarks Filmakademi, Danske Hubertusjægere, Det Gode Selskab, Det Kongelige Teater, DR, DR Læseklubber, Edyta Enghoff Yoga, EMI Music, Eventkompagniet, FAFID, Ferrero (Ferrero Rocher, Kinder, Nutella and Tic Tac), FOA, Forlaget Møller, Filmcompagniet, Fox Film Denmark, Fuza Wool of Denmark, Gadespejlene, Galleri Nicolai Wallner, Golden Days, Grab’n’Cook, Grundtvig.as, Hookfarm, Iconic Film, Jesper Benzin, JM Tømrer, Karmacraft Records, Klemen AB, Kroppens Terapi, KU.BE, Kunsthallen Nikolaj, Lendino, LendEstate, LiveNation, Louisiana, Major in Minor, Metronome Productions, Modisa Wildlife Project, NeverBoot, Nordatlantens Brygge, Nordisk Film, Odense Teater, Operaen, Parlophone, Ples&Lindholm, Pure Leaf, Royal Golf Club, Samadhi Spa, Statens Museum for Kunst, Sandrew Metronome, Scanbox Entertainment, Scandinavian Culture Filmdistribution, Scenit, Semler Gruppen, SF Studios, SF Production, SF Video, Sony Music, Sony Pictures, Sorø Musiske Skole, Stands&Dans, Stjerner i Natten, Team Tankers, Trapholt, TV2, Universal Music, Warner Bros. Denmark, Warner Music, Whymocrazy?, Zewski Music, Østerbro Dans, Århus Teater
Copenhagen International Filmfestival, Copenhagen Jazz Festival, CPH:LITT (Copenhagen International Literature Festival), København Læser, Stella Polaris, Ting (by Golden Days), Vinterjazz (Copenhagen Jazz Festival)
Appointed as ‘Art Director’ and ‘Web Designer’ @ By Retpen – with responsibility for our digital solutions.
Founded my 1-man company ‘Designator’ – creating websites, webshops and graphic design for my private customers.
Appointed as ‘Art Director’ @ MBR (Musikbranchens Reklamebureau).
I’m Designator a.k.a. Kristian Kokholm.
I’m an art director, web designer and developer with more than 17 years of experience as a creative processional. With focus on beautiful interface designs, website design and branding/logo designs I provide creative and intuitive solutions to vexing design problems.
I’m an expert in Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, WordPress and HTML/CSS – and have experience working in After Effects, Edge Animate, PowerPoint, Word, Excel etc..
I’m currently work @ By Retpen and do freelance graphic design and WordPress development @ my 1-man company ‘Designator’.
I’m 41 years old and lives in Copenhagen with Kristine and little Karla (1 years old).
Filling up the coffee maker with fresh beans.
Creating time-saving workflows and actions for eg. Automator or Photoshop.
Seing structures and keeping files and folders in neat order.
Educated as ‘Graphic Designer’ after 4,5 yeas as ‘Graphic Apprentice’ @ MBR (Musikbranchens Reklamebureau). I startet the education aside the ‘Office Apprentice’ education in the beginning of 1999.
Spend 5 month in Jutland (May-September) to perform mandatory military service in Karup and Skrydstrup. Elected ‘Spokesman’ for my Division.
Began as ‘Office Apprentice’ @ MBR (Musikbranchens Reklamebureau). Administration, service and financial accounting.
Finished ‘HHX’ (Higher Commercial Examination Programme) @ Køge Handelsskole after 3 years of studying.